Emily Owens
Citizen Science Coordinator
Atlantic Forestry Center
Canadian Forest Service
Department of Fisheries and Land Resources
Forest Engineering & Industry Services Division (FEIS)
Forest Protection Limited
Forestry and Wildlife Branch
Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Laurentian Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development
Province of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Land Resources
Quebec City
University of New Brunswick
Emily is a researcher on EIS projects 1, 4, 5, and a member of both the communications and project management committees. She focuses on the population dynamics of budworm, better understanding moth dispersal and genetics, efficacy of aerial treatments, refinement of best management practices of EIS operations, managing “The Budworm Tracker” community science program, identifying technology transfer opportunities for EIS program, overall science communication.